Taiwan Trip 2012 - Passing by Ita Thao and Syuanjhuang Temple (玄奘寺)@ Sun Moon Lake
Well one of my regrets at Sun Moon Lake was not paying a visit to village, Ita Thao. As mentioned in my title, I simply just cycled past this village once I came back from the theme park, not knowing there's so much to explore here .___. One of my must-go when I return to Sun Moon Lake in the near future.
The next stop of my journey was another temple, named Syuanjhuang Temple.
From the coordinates of the photo (geotagged via Sony DSLT a77), you can see that I've already traversed more than half of the lake by bike, which was close to 15KM? Most of the roads leading to this temple are steep slopes and I was on my foot as usual most of the time, dragging my bicycle along. I was so relieved to see this temple as I could finally buy some drinks to rehydrate myself! It's a pity I didn't get an extra bottle if I knew I would somehow pass by some much slopes!
I believe this temple was built to commemorate the monk from China who went to India to collect Buddhist scriptures back to China, popularly known as 唐三藏. It was no easy feat, considering the whole journey was done by feet.
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