Sony Alpha Convention 2011-Ladies!
Time for more interesting pictures instead after the boring stuff~!! This post is dedicated to all the pretty ladies at the Convention. =D
Sony Alpha Convention 2011-Gears
Sony Alpha Convention 2011-Exhibition & Talks
Where ever there's pretty girls...there's always photographers standing by~
Ladies from Indonesia, China & Japan
Ladies from China, India and Japan...?
Indian...? @_@
Lovely eyes
Another group shot of the ladies ;)
The rest of the shots below are taken AFTER my camera had been calibrated. MUAHAHHAA. SHARP SIAL.
Trying to tame the 50mm f1.4. @_@ Can see that the hair is sharp but the face is soft =X
In peace.
Last but not least, the shots taken with the Zeiss 135mm f1.8 borrowed from Albert! Very impressive lens indeed. Sadly it's not SSM. =/
Damsel in deep thoughts!
Pretty lady testing out the NEX-5!
These 2 ladies as photogenic as ever! Once they see a camera pointing at their direction they will automatically smile. =D
More here:
Sony Alpha Convention 2011-Exhibition & Talks