Japan Trip 2013 - Tits Cafe
Apparently the sumptuous teppanyaki dinner we had was not enough, we decided to hang out in this restaurant right after that. Actually the main reason that attracted us, or rather me, was its rather unique name - Tits Cafe!
Upon entering inside, there's technically nothing related to tits, be it the reference to the female organ or the bird. Just another decent cafe. Nice sofa chairs, very comfortable ambience. Good place for chilling or meet up with friends.
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Nice comfy lounge in a corner |
For myself I ordered a Tiramisu as well as a glass of white wine to go along with the cake. It was actually quite shocking to me that a cup of tea cost the same with glass of wine! Of course it's a no brainer that I chose the wine.
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¥1200 for the wine + tiramisu |
Over the course of desserts, we then thoroughly discussed our plans for the next day. Initially our plan was to visit the famous deer park in Nara in the morning and then head over to Osaka. However, since we missed visiting Kiyomizudera, our new plan was to check out early in the morning, take the train down to Osaka and put our luggages at our accommodation, and take the train back to Kyoto again to continue our visit. Yes, crazy scheduling as usual.
Previous: Takasegawa Teppan Doujou (Delicious Teppanyaki)
Next: Kiyomizu Temple Revisited (Part 1)