ISO 50 with the a77 & other thoughts

So the pop up flash on my a77 somehow got bent when I carelessly left it on the chair and people sat on it. I sent it to the service centre at Sony Style, Curve on Wednesday and to my delight they fixed it within 3 days when I was told to expect a waiting time of 1-2 weeks. After claiming my camera from the store I decided it's too early to go back home and walked around the mall for some street/mall photography. I also figured out that it would be a good warm up session to prepare myself for my Taiwan trip. The a77 really feels surprisingly light and I should be able to carry it for long hours without getting tired (I hope).

The new Alfa Romeo Giuletta 

I decided to shoot everything with ISO 50 after being inspired by some guy who claims that ISO 50 on the Sony a77 gives you better detail and colours since the ISO50 is not exactly an extended ISO. ISO 50 is , really useful if you want to slowdown your shutter speed by 1 stop without having to decrease your aperture, especially in long exposure shots. Decreasing your aperture pass the len's sweet spot may cause diffraction which results in your picture looking soft. 

Partial red

Partial yellow




The Sony sensor never fails to disappoint me in colour separation and DRO works wonders in high contrast situations.

Shooting with Live-view definitely makes you look less intimidating when shooting people eventhough I was holding a rather large camera.


I must try this restaurant one day.

The stupid haze coming from Indonesia really makes everything lack contrast.

The street from above.

After some outdoor shots I brought the a77 indoors. Thanks to the fixed mirror and electronic first curtain shutter, vibrations are reduced to a minimal and very low shutter speeds can be used with only me holding the camera in one hand. Oh Steady Shot works as well ;)

1/15s . f/2.8 . ISO 50 . 24 mm

1/10s . f/2.8 . ISO 50 . 17 mm

1/4s . f/2.8 . ISO 50 . 24 mm

It's really good to come back and continue taking pictures after spending the past one month mugging. Really looking forward to my Taiwan trip!!
